Recognizing and Battling stress in Children during Pandemic

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The best part about being a child is their carefree nature and their inquisitive mind. But what if they do not feel carefree anymore  or not allowed to ask questions anymore? With lockdown, school closures, cancelled events or separation from friends, children are feeling more and more trapped in their own houses/quarantine places.

According to UNICEF analysis, 99 percent of children and young people under 18 worldwide (2.34 billion) live in one of the 186 countries with some form of movement restrictions in place due to COVID-19. Sixty per cent of all children live in one of the 82 countries with a full (7%) or partial (53%) lockdown – accounting for 1.4 billion young lives. 

COVID - 19, not only brought Dry cough, fever and breathing difficulty but also feelings of anxiety, stress and uncertainty, and these feelings are felt more strongly by the children. Though not all children respond to stress in the same way.  But some common changes in a child’s behaviour to watch for include

  • Excessive crying or irritation in younger children

  • Returning to behaviors they have outgrown (for example, toileting accident or bedwetting)

  • Excessive worry or sadness

  • Unhealthy eating or sleeping habits

  • Irritability and “acting out” behaviors

  • Poor school performance or avoiding school

  • Difficulty with attention and concentration

  • Avoidance of activities enjoyed in the past

  • Unexplained headaches or body pain

  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

Alarming Increase in incidents of domestic violence in the country during the COVID-19 lockdown, in line with reports suggesting that such cases have increased exponentially across the globe, in countries like China, the United Kingdom and the United have left the kids in vulnerable situations. Helping children find positive ways to express disturbing feelings such as anger, fear and sadness and developing healthy mental habits have become an essential necessity in present times.

How to keep your kids Psychologically healthy during Covid times:

  1. Be a role model : Teach your kids, healthy ways of expressing anger, frustration, fear and anxiety by becoming their role models. Children learn from their environment thus by keeping yourself calm and composed and handling your own stress in positive ways, is the first step in making your kids feel more loved and secured.

  2. Understand their needs: Kids need love and support to nourish. Every age group has  these two basic needs but they may express them in different ways. For eg. young kids might demand fun play times with your undivided attention while older kids might feel the need to be in touch with their friends and have some personal space. Respecting and understanding their requirements as per their age will help the caregiver to cater the kids demands in appropriate ways.

  3. Structure their day : When unexpected changes occur, children may perceive it as a threat to their safety and security, sometimes causing anxiety. Structures and routines help kiddos learn how to control their behaviors and provide children with a sense of safety. It gives them a solid foundation which helps them adapt to changes as needed. Be particularly aware of (and limit) how much media coverage or social media time your children are exposed to.

  4. Communication : Children usually feel relieved if they are able to express and communicate their disturbing feelings in a safe and supportive environment. Ask open questions and listen to them. Be honest with them and explain the truth in a child-friendly way with games, stories,drawings etc. Impart correct information to them. Check in regularly with your children about what they have viewed on the Internet and clarify any misinformation. Show them how to protect themselves and their friends and offer reassurance and close your conversations with care.

  5. Adapt Healthy lifestyle choices: Such as eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and avoiding drugs and alcohol, is critical for parents , caregivers and kids too. When you are prepared, rested, and relaxed you can respond better to unexpected events. Turning these activities into a whole family fun time will not only make your family bond strong but will also make everyone's immune system strong. 

Busy and occupied kids are able to channelize their energy and keep their stress levels in check more efficiently . Thus, by nourishing their laughter, supporting their dreams and strengthening their minds you will be able to raise a positive,hopeful child which seems to be much easier task than to repair a negative, broken adult later.